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    Sunday, November 20, 2016

    Application of Fourier series related to Computer Science(CSE)

    Application of Fourier series related to CSE - Computer Science

    There are several applications of Fourier series in computer science. The some of applications of Fourier series in computer science is given below

    1) MP3 Encoding/ Sound Processing:

    Fourier series is used in MP3 coding to simplify the MP3 formats file. To compress mp3 or .wmv and simplify it easily to get a fast and more simplified sound by fourier series.

    2) Transmissions and processing signals:

    Fourier series is used in computer science in transmission and processing of digital signals.Suppose a digital signal may have a frequency of 200Hz. However its rise and fall rates are very much faster than would be expected at 200Hz sine web format. Thats best faster transmission and processing can be got from fourier series.

    3) Time Domain conversion:

    Fourier series can transform time domain into frequency domain. And this domain is used as a mathematical tool to analyze the signals in that computer uses.

    These are thel applications of Fourier series in computer science. 

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