What is Object Oriented Programming Language (OOP)?
A programming language which gives priority the usable data in a system and which can save the data as a unit(object) and the data can be bound only to a specific object is called object oriented programming language (OOP).In this programming language, there is no possibility to mix the data with the other function’s data. By this programming language total program can be divided in some little part which is basically called the object.
Object Oriented Programming Language: Object+ Class + Inheritance + Polymorphism.
Why OOP is more usable or preferable than other programming language?
OOP is more preferable than other programming language. The reason is :01. By this language any problem can be solve easily by creating some small part of the total program. And finally mixing all part a huge problem can be solving so easily.
02. If needed, many data types of object can be created and they can be used as different from in different problem.
03. Data can be hiding in this language and for that the data of any object don’t access by other object. Basically making private variable data can be hidden.
04. By using inheritance, it is possible to broad the previous class and can make new class also previous class with exist there and that class can also be extended.
05. It has the capability of polymorphism and for that we can operate a program and give it a different work by a same name setting different argument type. For example-Function overloading, Operator overloading etc.
06. Object of any class can communicate with any other class’s object by message passing. An object can pass or can get data from other class’s objects when it’s needed. For this benefit member function can communicate any time with other member function.
What is the difference between Procedural Programming languages to Object Oriented Programming languages?
Procedural Programming Language vsObject Oriented Programming Language
It works in a program on the base of function.
It works in a program on the base of object.
It is connected with the whole program by passing parameters by the function.
By passing message to the object’s function, the total program is connected.
Maximum function uses the variable as a global variable.
Every object can control their variable as public, private or protected.
The data of function can’t be hidden in procedural programming language.
The data can be hidden thus outer object or any function can’t access the data.
Same type or name’s data can be transferred from the function automatically.
Same type or name’s data can’t be transferred from the object automatically. Because it’s a totally controlled language.
For instance, at any time extra data or function can’t be added here. For add, the total program needs to be changed.
At any time extra data or function can be added here and for this the total program need not to change.
It’s not a controlled language.
It’s a totally controlled language.
For example C language, Pascal language, Fortran languages are the procedural programming language.
For example C++ language, Java language are the object oriented programming language.
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