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    Tuesday, April 19, 2016

    URI Online Judge source code download using java programming language

    Detail about URI online judge:

    The URI Online Judge is a project that is being developed by the Computer Science Department of URI University. The main goal of the project is to provide programming practice and knowledge sharing.

    Solve the available problems using C, C++, Java or Python, competing with other users. As a challengee, improve your ranking, solving as many problems as possible and tunning your source code to run fast

    The URI Online Judge contains more than 1,000 problems divided in 8 big categories. This division help the users to focus on specific programming topics. All problems are available in Portuguese and English.

    The URI Online Judge website also has public contests on a regular basis. Get in touch with us to host your contest at URI Online Judge for free. Create new problems and train you team on unique and private contests.

    Here is the link for starting your programming future.


    Now, some URI problems has been solved by me using C and java language : Here is the source code. You can take help from them . But request to you, don't copy pest full source code. It'll damage your coding skill. 
    For better programming try to learn some basic syntax in C, C++ and Java. I'm telling you not to boss in that language. Telling you to know some basic like print, scan , expression etc. It'll take maximum 3 days to learn all of the basic syntax for those three language. I think you get the best suggestion. 

    Download Link URI Source codes

    Note: There's some problem in those solutions.I think, you can solve them easily by implementing the previous solutions. Don't be hesitate to comment here.

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