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    Saturday, March 26, 2016

    Linked List C Example-Singly linked list with three methods


    Linked list example:Singly linked list with three methods

    In this c code I've just write the code for a singly linked list. Here, I have used three methods. Which are
    1. push or insert data in the linked list in line no - 10
    2. print or display the data in the linked list in line no - 24
    3. Get count the total data in the linked list in line no - 41

    For more on linked list, you can see my previous large lecture on linked list
    See Linked List Details

    1. #include<stdio.h>
    2. #include<stdlib.h>
    3. struct Node
    4. {
    5. int data;
    6. struct Node *next;
    7. };
    8. typedef struct Node node;
    9. void pushData(node *list, int data)
    10. {
    11. /* Iterate through the list till we encounter the last node.*/
    12. while(list->next != NULL)
    13. {
    14. list = list -> next;
    15. }
    16. /* Allocate memory for the new node and put data in it.*/
    17. list->next = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node*));
    18. list = list->next;
    19. list->data = data;
    20. list->next = NULL;
    21. printf("Data inserted successfully..\n");
    22. }
    23. void printData(node *list)
    24. {
    25. printf("%d ", list ->data);
    26. while(list ->next != NULL){
    27. list = list ->next;
    28. printf("%d ",list->data);
    29. }
    30. /* if(list==NULL)
    31. {
    32. }
    33. printf("%d ",list->data);
    34. printData(list->next); */
    35. }
    36. int getCount(node *list){
    37. int count = 0;
    38. while(list -> next != NULL){
    39. count++;
    40. list = list->next;
    41. }
    42. return count;
    43. }
    44. int main( ){
    45. node *head,*temp;
    46. head = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node*));
    47. //head = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
    48. temp = head;
    49. temp -> next = NULL;
    50. int choose, value;
    51. printf("\n\nLinkedList");
    52. printf("\n\t\tEnter 1 to push data in the linked list : \n\t\tEnter 2 to see the linked list : \n\t\tEnter 3 to know the size of linked list : \n\t\tEnter 0 to exit\n---------------------------------------------\n");
    53. while(1){
    54. printf("Enter your Choose : ");
    55. scanf("%d", &choose);
    56. switch(choose){
    57. case 1:
    58. printf("Enter a value in the linked list : ");
    59. scanf("%d", &value);
    60. pushData(head, value);
    61. break;
    62. case 2:
    63. if(temp ->next == NULL){
    64. printf("Sorry No entry here ..");
    65. }else{
    66. printf("Total element in the linked list : ");
    67. printData(temp -> next);
    68. printf("\n");
    69. }
    70. break;
    71. case 3:
    72. printf("Total size of Linked list is : ");
    73. printf(" %d\n", getCount(temp->next) + 1);
    74. break;
    75. case 0:
    76. printf("Program exits\n");
    77. return 0;
    78. break;
    79. default:
    80. printf("Not match to any chosen value .\tPlease enter a correct chosen value.\n");
    81. }
    82. }
    83. }
    Suggestion:Don't try to direct copy paste please. This habit will damage your coding power. Coding is an energy, is a habit, is a funny....So, try to solve your coding problem by yourself.
    For more on linked list, you can see my previous  large lecture on linked list.
    See Linked List Details

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